World War I: We Heard the Call: American Red Cross

By on February 10, 2017 - 1:54pm

Two New York Hospital doctors and 45 alumni of the New York Hospital Training School for Nurses joined the American Red Cross.  Some joined at the beginning of World War I in 1914.  Here is an image of two nurses, Anne Reutinger and Robert Lee Cromwell on the Red Cross ship in 1914.

The American Red Cross started organizing ambulance and hospital units; providing medical care; and supplying medical supplies and equipment at the beginning World War I.

In 1914, the Red Cross offered services to all of the waring countries. They mobilized 2,970 nurses that served in hospitals and medical units in France, Russia, Germany, England, and elsewhere in Europe. American Red Cross nurses also served at the US base hospitals at home. 

The war department could not organized hospitals during time of peace so the American Red Cross organized 17 base hospitals in 1916 that were turned over to the army after US became involved in the war.  One of these base hospitals was The New York Hospital Unit Base Hospital No 9.  The Red Cross also mobilized 47 ambulance units.

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