General Scientific Software

This page provides access to all general scientific software available on the library software hub. Click on the software name to view details, register for update alerts, download, or obtain a license.

ArcGIS is a geographic information system (GIS) for working with maps and geographic information. The license is valid until September 1st each year.

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Windows only

Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please use the link below.

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" is a microbial genome Web portal that combines thousands of genomes with additional information inferred by computer programs, imported from other databases and curated from the biomedical literature by biologist curators. BioCyc also provides an extensive range of query tools, visualization services and analysis software." (Karp et al., 2019)

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This software is available at no cost to WCM faculty, staff and students.

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Biorender is an online graphics tool for building high quality figures for the life sciences. Our institutional account will allow discounted access to all faculty, staff and students.

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System requirements

Chrome,Firefox,Edge, or Safari

Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please use the link below.

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Endnote is a bibliographic management tool for storing and accessing shared references, documents and files. Endnote allows the autmated insertion of citations in MS Word in over 6000 styles. Endnote can retrieve the full text of all articles in your library from freely available sources and the Samuel J. Wood library's subscriptions.

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System requirements

Windows, Mac, or Linux

Costs and fees

This software is available at no cost to WCM faculty, staff and students.

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FCS Express analyzes raw flow cytometry data and allows production of presentations, spreadsheets and reports.

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System requirements

Windows or Mac

Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please use the link below.

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The FlowJo workspace is a powerful statistical environment that is used for immunophenotyping, cell cycle, proliferation, kinetics studies, quantitative population comparison, or plate screening assays.

Annual license cost is determined by the number of active users each quarter. Thus we can only provide an estimate of the cost based on current usage.

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System requirements

Windows or Mac

Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please use the link below.

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GraphPad Prism combines scientific graphing, comprehensive curve fitting (nonlinear regression), understandable statistics, and data organization. While it won't replace a heavy-duty statistics program, Prism lets you easily perform basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers. Prism offers t tests, nonparametric comparisons, one-, two- and three-way ANOVA, analysis of contingency tables, and survival analysis. Analysis choices are presented in clear language that avoids unnecessary statistical jargon.

Due to high demand, each license is charged $30/machine/year. Starting October 1st, 2025, a GraphPad license will be charged $150/year/machine (60% discount compared to public pricing) due to license cost increase from the vendor.

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System requirements

Windows or Mac

Costs and fees

This software is available at no cost to WCM faculty, staff and students.

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LabArchives is a secure, cloud-based electronic lab notebook (ELN) designed for research. This ELN system enables researchers to capture, manage, store, and share information and data. LabArchives facilitates collaboration amongst researchers within a loab, institution, and with external stakeholders.

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System requirements

Internet browser

Library Access

This software is installed on the library computer lab PCs.

Costs and fees

This software is available at no cost to WCM faculty, staff and students.

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Ledidi Core is a secure web-based platform for research projects and clinical registries with functionality for study design, creation of data entry forms and eCRFs in combination with built-in-tools for statistical analysis and data visualization. The statistical analyses include descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric tests, regression analyses, contingency tables and survival analyses.

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System requirements

Chrome,Firefox,Edge, or Safari

Library Access

This software is installed on the library computer lab PCs.

Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please email .

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Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. MS Access is freely available for WCM ITS-tagged PCs through the Software Center application.

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Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please use the link below.

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Qualtrics is web based software that allows the user to create surveys and generate reports without having any previous programming knowledge. Qualtrics enables you to do surveys, feedback and polls using a variety of distribution means. Results can be viewed in reports and can be downloaded. Qualtrics allows you to share surveys and results as well as collaborating with other users.

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Costs and fees

This software is available at no cost to WCM faculty, staff and students.

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RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.

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System requirements

Windows,Mac, or Linux

Costs and fees

This software is open source and can be freely downloaded using the link below.

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REDCap is a PHP-based system, developed by Vanderbilt University and currently managed and updated through a national consortium, that supports the rapid setup of secure, Web-based study-specific database systems and associated forms. It provides full field validation capabilities (customized to each study), import/export (including export to common statistical packages such as SAS, SPSS and Excel), and file upload/management functions. It includes a complete suite of features to support HIPAA compliance, including a full audit trail, user-based privileges, and integration with the institutional LDAP server. REDCap is available free of charge to any clinical/translational research study being conducted at Weill Cornell or any of its CTSA partner institutions. Many studies can be supported with REDCap alone. For those studies that require a higher level of complexity and/or customization than is readily supported by REDCap, programmers experienced in clinical research data management are available through the Core Informatics Group. Depending upon the nature of the study and the extent of its needs for customized programming, a charge-back arrangement may be required.

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System requirements

Chrome,Firefox,Internet Explorer or Safari

Costs and fees

This software is available at no cost to WCM faculty, staff and students.

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SAP Lumira (formerly called SAP Visual Intelligence) is a self-service, data visualization application for business users.

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System requirements

Library Access

This software is installed on the library computer lab PCs.

Costs and fees

The licensing cost for this product is administered by the library. To view costs, or acquire a license, please use the link below.

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