Library Classes and Training

Below are some of the classes and training videos the Library offers. Click on the class title for additional information or to watch a recorded training.

  • "On-demand" means a pre-recorded video; "synchronous" means a Zoom or in-person class.
  • Any on-demand class can also be requested as a synchronous class or as a one-on-one consultation
  • We can customize the learning objectives for any synchronous class to fit the needs of your learners.

Email Andy Hickner, Education and Outreach Librarian, with questions or to inquire about training on topics not listed below.

To schedule a class:

Mode Length (in minutes) Learning objectives
Systematic Reviews Synchronous 60
  1. Define and describe the characteristics of topic/literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses
  2. Articulate the purpose of literature reviews and their importance in research​
  3. Select appropriate databases and filters to identify systematic reviews
  4. Identify tools to critically appraise systematic reviews
  5. List the steps to complete a systematic review​
  6. Identify systematic review guidelines and standards
VisualDx On-demand 52
  1. Describe VisualDx functionality and use cases
  2. Access VisualDx through the Wood Library website
  3. Use VisualDx for diagnosis and finding other information in support of patient care
  4. Download and install the VisualDx mobile app

WCM Institutional Data Repository for Research (WIDRR) On-demand 45
  1. Describe the Cornell University Data Retention Policy
  2. Use WIDRR to create a data retention record