Agreement: Cornell University and The Society of the New York Hospital

Medical Center Image: 
Second New York Hospital First Cornell Medical College

The second New York Hospital (L) // The first Medical College (R)

The agreement between Cornell University and The Society of the New York Hospital to establish a medical center was signed on June 14, 1927.

In the affiliation document, New York Hospital agreed to buy the land and build a general hospital that would include facilities for patient care, the training of medical students, and research laboratories. In turn, Cornell University agreed to share in the costs of building and maintaining the medical school facilities. In addition, the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical College Association was formed. The Joint Administrative Board, consisting of three hospital governors, three university trustees, and a member-at-large, would administer the association. The agreement between Cornell University and The Society of the New York Hospital to establish a medical center was signed on June 14, 1927.

The agreement established a position of director of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical College Association. Dr. G. Canby Robinson was hired as the first director of the association in 1927. He was instrumental in developing and implementing the plans for the medical center. In addition, he was the director of the medical college at its new location. After the medical center opened, some hospital administrators and medical college faculty opposed him. He retired on October 1, 1934.

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