Data Repositories

Selecting a Data Repository

A data repository is a place to archive research datasets and make them publicly available.  To select an appropriate data repository, follow these steps:

1. Are you required to deposit in a certain repository?Some funders and journals require or recommend datasets be deposited in their repositories. Check their specific requirements or contact the Library for assistance in making this determination.
2. Is there a discipline-specific repository?If you have a choice, look for commonly used repositories in your discipline. Some repositories are geared towards groups of disciplines, while others are designed for a specific kind of research. Examples: NIH Open Domain-Specific Data Sharing Repositories, Other NIH-Supported Domain-Specific Resources with limitations on submitting and/or accessing data.
3. If there is no discipline-specific repository, select a generalist repositoryThere are several general purpose repositories that can fulfill funder and journal sharing requirements. The choice often comes down to personal preference. Generalist Repositories

Tools for Finding Data Repositories: Databases of Data Repositories

Re3DataAllRegistry of Worldwide Research Data Repositories
FairsharingAllDatabase of data repositories and related metadata standards and polices. Recommended for identifying metadata standards when writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP)
Google Dataset SearchAllA comprehensive search engine across many general and discipline repositories and government websites
Awesome Public DatasetsAllHigh-quality, curated collection of public datasets, most free, some not.
Data.worldAllA searchable list of open datasets from around the world
NIH Data Sharing ResourcesManyThree lists curated by the National Library of Medicine and highlighted in steps 2 and 3 above

Other Resources

DataCiteHas an extensive list of subject repositories
Scientific Data’s Recommended Data RepositoriesList of recommended data repositories by Nature’s Scientific Data journal. Developed to instruct authors where to deposit their datasets.
NIH Data Sharing RepositoriesThree lists curated by the National Library of Medicine and highlighted in steps 2 and 3 above
American Heart Association Data RepositoriesA list of approved data repositories in support of the recently released AHA Open Science Policy.
Data RepositoriesOpen Access Directory
E-CommonsFor non-data needs (manuscripts, theses, dissertations, books, etc.)

For more information about Data Repositories, see the Samuel J. Wood Library Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines site.

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