24/7 Study Space


  • All patrons are welcome to use the library’s 24/7 Study Space during regular business hours. 

  • During the hours the library is closed, the 24/7 Study Space is only available to Weill Cornell medical, graduate, and PA students, clinical fellows, and NYP residents. Members of the aforementioned groups can access the space, after hours, by swiping their ID cards. Only eligible users will be able to swipe in. Additionally, the lock is on a timer, so early swipe-ins will set off the alarm. 

  • The after-hours entrance to the 24/7 area is located in the Lasdon Biomedical Research Center corridor (past the Griffis Faculty club). During regular business hours, the after-hours entrance to the library should not be used to enter or exit the library, except in an emergency.

  • If you are studying in the 24/7 area at closing time you will be asked to leave the library and then re-enter through the after-hours entrance by swiping your ID card. 

  • Under no circumstances should you swipe in or open the door for anyone, or prop open the door. This is a matter of security and personal safety. If you notice anyone giving access to unauthorized individuals or leaving the door ajar, or if you have any other concerns please call Security: (212) 746-0911 or notify the security officer making rounds throughout the night. 

  • There is an emergency phone located near the printer in the 24/7 space. Pick up the receiver to be automatically connected directly to the Security Office. This phone cannot make any other outgoing calls or receive any incoming calls. The phone should be used only in the case of an emergency. 

  • Occasionally, Library, ITS, Security or Maintenance staff may require access to the 24/7 space for operational purposes during hours the library is closed.