Library Classes and Training

Below are some of the classes and training videos the Library offers. Click on the class title for additional information or to watch a recorded training.

  • "On-demand" means a pre-recorded video; "synchronous" means a Zoom or in-person class.
  • Any on-demand class can also be requested as a synchronous class or as a one-on-one consultation
  • We can customize the learning objectives for any synchronous class to fit the needs of your learners.

Email Andy Hickner, Education and Outreach Librarian, with questions or to inquire about training on topics not listed below.

To schedule a class:

Mode Length (in minutes) Learning objectives
BioRender On-demand 46
  1. Create a logical story flow
  2. Maximize space with text
  3. Use color to create emphasis and cohesiveness
  4. Use BioRender's poster builder
Data Core Cloud On-demand 38
  1. Explain the Data Core service, framework, processes, and workflows
  2. Access and navigate the Cloud and On-Premise versions of Data Core
  3. Create a Data Core project
  4. Describe data retention in Data Core
Embase On-demand 28
  1. Compare Embase with PubMed
  2. Describe Embase's scope and coverage
  3. Use Embase to search for studies
EndNote (on-demand) On-demand 46
  1. Request and install EndNote Desktop
  2. Access EndNote Online
  3. Import references into EndNote
  4. Use EndNote's Microsoft Word add-in to insert references, create reference lists, and format manuscripts
How to get full text of articles On-demand 5
Introduction to Literature Searching Synchronous 45
  1. Get full text of articles through Wood Library subscriptions​
  2. Use advanced search techniques to find relevant literature in PubMed​
  3. Describe how a reference manager can be used to manage, insert, and format references
  4. Use Google Scholar to supplement a PubMed search
Printing in the Library On-demand 2
  1. Print to Library printer/photocopiers using your PaperCut account
PubMed On-demand 40
  1. Define PubMed and key differences from search engines such as Google
  2. Use the most essential tasks and functionality to refine and troubleshoot search results
  3. Identify resources for getting help and learning more
Sciwheel On-demand 34
  1. Define reference manager/management and synonyms
  2. Create a Sciwheel account
  3. Import references to a library
  4. Use the Word add-in to insert references, generate a reference list, and format a manuscript
  5. Collaborate with coauthors using Sciwheel
Stay Current with BrowZine On-demand 1
  1. Browse journals and issues in the Wood Library collection
  2. Create lists of your favorite journals
  3. Install the BrowZine mobile app
  4. Access BrowZine through the Library website

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Health & Medical Book Club: "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Health Seminar: Stress Management

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