General recommendations for research data deposits

Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) is continuously looking to promote the understanding of new regulations released by federal funding agencies pertaining to data management and sharing, and to help researchers comply. 

Here are general recommendations for public repositories that are suitable for specific types of data. While these recommendations are not one-size-fitting all solutions, they provide broad guidance on repositories available for free for the types of data cited, and which allow compliance with the latest data management and sharing regulations set forth by federal funding agencies. 

Public repositories for specific types of data

Type of DataRecommended Repositories
Sequencing dataSRA, GEO, Genome Sequence Archive, ENA
MetabolomicsMetabolomics Workbench, MetabolomeXchange, MetaboLights, Human Metabolome Database
Large imagesElectronic Microscopy Public Image Archive, Electron Microscopy Data Bank, Image Data Resource, The Cell Vision, BioImage Archive
Clinical, Clinical data repository, Clinical Research Metadata Repository, University Hospital Medical Information Network Individual Case Data Repository, YODA Project, ISRCTN Registry
Mouse dataMouse Models of Human Cancer database, MGI-Mouse Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Genome Informatics, Emage, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, European Mouse Mutant Archive, Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Centers
Animal data Animal QTLdb, CorrDB, AnimalGenome.ORG, Ag Data Commons, OFA Records
Brain imagingBrain Image Library, Brain Analysis Library of Spatial maps and Atlases, The whole brain Atlas, NeuroVault, PAIN repository, OpenNeuro
Other data such as molecular biology images (when no other repository is available) Generalist repositories such as Dryad, Zenodo, FigShare, Mendeley, ...

What if my data does not fit into the categories listed above?

For other datasets that do not fit the types of data listed above, there are generalist repositories (Dryad, Zenodo, FigShare, Mendeley,...) and LabArchives. LabArchives is available to WCM researchers at no additional cost, and it is a private repository that helps researchers stay in compliance with the latest federal regulations.  All researchers are encouraged to use LabArchives as their lab notebooks. 

For any additional information, visit the Wood library website for data management or request a consultation with the Wood library via this request form.