NIH Exepctations
Indicate how compliance with the DMSP will be monitored and managed.
Adapted from: Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan
Why is this being asked?
In order to ensure that your research will be handled responsibly throughout the duration of the study and beyond, explain how the responsibilities regarding the management and sharing of your data will be delegated. This should include time allocations, project management of technical aspects, training requirements, and contributions of non-project staff, with names and titles of individuals named where possible. Remember that those responsible for long-term decisions about your data will likely be the custodians of the repository/archive you choose to store your data. While the costs associated with your research (and the results of your research) must be specified in the Budget Justification portion of the proposal, you may want to reiterate who will be responsible for funding the management of your data. Much of this information should also be present in your README, but this section allows you to provide more context to the reviewer at the time of your proposal.
What to Include
Roles and Responsibilities
- Indicate who is responsible for which roles in managing your data and monitoring compliance with the DMSP. DataONE maintains a list of possible roles and responsibilities for an ideal DMSP here. However, every research group is different and might not need people for each role. At minimum, each group conducting NIH-funded research requiring a DMSP should have at least one person assigned to the following roles:
- Data Collector: the person(s) responsible for either collecting the data or overseeing those who are collecting the data, or both
- Data Analyzer: the person(s) conducting any data processing or statistical analysis
- Project Manager: the person(s) responsible for overseeing and monitoring the entire study, in addition to monitoring compliance with the DMSP.
Budget Considerations
- Include a summary of any additional budget considerations related to data management and sharing roles and responsibilities. The NIH allows for the inclusion of costs for the following services, with more information available at Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing:
- Curating data
- Developing supporting documentation
- Formatting data according to accepted community standards, or for transmission to and storage at a selected repository for long-term preservation and access
- De-identifying data
- Preparing metadata to foster discoverability, interpretation, and reuse
- Local data management considerations, such as unique and specialized information infrastructure necessary to provide local management and preservation (for example, before deposit into an established repository).
- Preserving and sharing data through established repositories, such as data deposit fees.
Sample Responses
- The PI on this project will be responsible for all aspects of data management and sharing, including collecting, analyzing, and describing the data, as well as uploading the data to Zenodo.
- Michael Smith, the lab manager for the PI on this project, will be responsible for all data management and sharing, including monitoring adherence to NIH DMS policy. Data will be collected and analyzed by Susanne Adams, post-doc, and Keith Stewart, graduate student. There is a budget request for a part-time employee who will be assisting with de-identifying collected data and developing the metadata for sharing.