David Thompson Collections Processed

By on September 18, 2015 - 9:53am

David Thompson

David Thompson was the director of New York Hospital from 1967-1987. During his tenure as director, he oversaw many medical advances and difficulties at the medical center. Some advances included the new MRI and Cat scan machines, new therapeutic drugs, the city's first advanced burn unit, new center for premature infants, development of ambulatory care services, and the patient advocate program. He was very active in the long term planning program, serving as its chair in the 1980s.

The Office of the Director (David Thompson) Records and David Thompson (1922-1995) Papers are now processed. Together they provide an overview of his tenure at the medical center.

Photo by Fabian Bachrach

Blog Category: Recently Processed Collections


Sana Masood
Head, Medical Center Archives
(212) 746-6072
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