More Collections Digitized

By on April 17, 2015 - 6:54am

The Medical Center Archives is pleased to announce that we received a third grant from METRO New York Library Council to digitize more publications from our collection. We have digitized the annual reports for Departments of Surgery (1933-1964), Medicine (1935-1946), and Anesthesiology (1958-1967).

The General Bulletin (1914-1931) contains interesting featured articles on New York Hospital, Bloomingdale Hospital (New York Hospital-Westchester Division), and New York Hospital Training School for Nurses. Articles include Base Hospital No 9, the hospital World War I unit in France, and a memoir by Robert Weir on his role as an Civil War surgeon.

The Pulse (1939-1953) was written and published by the employees of New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. This publication highlights people and events of the medical center. Learn more about what was going on in the early years of the medical center.

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Stay tuned for more collections.

Blog Category: News and Announcements


Nicole Milano
Head, Medical Center Archives
(212) 746-6072
Vivo Profile

Tali Han

Tali Han
Technical Services Archivist
(212) 746-6072
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Amanda Garfunkel
Digital Archivist
(212) 746-6072
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(212) 746-6072