Archives Blog

In Memoriam: Adele Ann Lerner (1938-2024)
on June 19, 2024

The Medical Center Archives of NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine is deeply saddened by the loss of Adele Ann Lerner, who passed away on May 30, 2024. Adele was the archivist at the Medical Center...
News and Announcements

Sixth Graders "Meet" Dr. Papanicolaou in the Archives
on January 25, 2023

What do Dr. George Papanicolaou and primary sources have in common? A group of sixth graders from the Hellenic Charter School in Brooklyn, New York wanted to find out! Last month the Medical Center Archives...
News and Announcements

Pioneers in Reproductive Medicine: Fritz Fuchs, MD
on September 13, 2019

Dr. Fritz Fuchs was an internationally known obstetrician and gynecologist who, along with his colleague, Povi Riis, was the first to use amniocentesis for detecting the sex of a fetus in Demark in 1955. This...
News and Announcements

New Exhibition! Dr. Henry Heimlich: Maneuvering His Way into Medical History
By Nicole Milano on November 19, 2018

President Ronald Reagan. New York City Mayor Ed Koch. Actress Elizabeth Taylor. The Heimlich maneuver is credited with saving the lives of these and many others since its invention by Dr. Henry Heimlich in...
News and Announcements

Need Help?


Nicole Milano
Head, Medical Center Archives
(212) 746-6072
Vivo Profile

Tali Han

Tali Han
Technical Services Archivist
(212) 746-6072
Vivo Profile


Amanda Garfunkel
Digital Archivist
(212) 746-6072
Vivo Profile

Visiting the Archives


The archives are open for onsite research by appointment only.

Monday - Friday: 9:30-12:30, 1:30-4:30

Contact Us

Medical Center Archives
1300 York Avenue
PO Box #34
New York, NY 10065
(212) 746-6072