Library Access

Who has access to the Samuel J. Wood Library?

 All students, faculty, and staff of Weill Cornell Medical College and Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, as well as all staff of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and affiliated institutions, have access to the Library.

The Library is not open to the general public or to patients of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital or their families.

Alumni of the Medical College must show a letter of verification from the Office of Alumni Relations for access to the Library.

Alumni of the Graduate School must present a letter of verification from the Graduate School Office. A separate Library card will be issued to eligible alumni at that time.

Members of the Center Alumni Council must show a current membership card.

Alumni of Cornell Ithaca must register at the circulation desk.

If I'm not affiliated with the Samuel J. Wood Library, where can I go to find medical information?

The Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center (PRC) serves patients, their families, and caregivers. Prominently located on the second floor of the Weill Greenberg Center at 1305 York Ave, the PRC is staffed with a Consumer Health Librarian who provides reliable and up-to-date health information. The PRC is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. The PRC is closed on Mondays. Two public computers are available for 30 minutes per person per day. Masks are required at all times.

The New York Academy of Medicine Library, located at 1216 Fifth Avenue at 103rd Street, (212) 822-7315, is also open to the public by appointment.

Do Weill Cornell Medical College staff have access to the libraries of Rockefeller University, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and the Hospital for Special Surgery?

All Samuel J. Wood Library patrons have physical access and borrowing privileges at the libraries of our primary affiliates. A current ID card must be presented when you visit.

Weill Cornell users are not entitled to remote access to electronic resources exclusively subscribed to by an affiliate. Please check the OneSearch Catalog for material owned jointly or submit an interlibrary loan request for items we do not own.

What is the Diethelm Library and how can I get access to its collection?

The Oskar Diethelm Library is a special collection dealing with the history of psychiatry. It is part of WCMC's Institute for the History of Psychiatry and includes approximately 50,000 titles in psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, mesmerism, spiritualism, phrenology, witchcraft, and related topics. Journal holdings include long back runs of psychiatric journals and current journals dealing with the history of medicine, psychiatry, and psychology. Archival holdings include the papers of numerous organizations and individuals.

The Oskar Diethelm Library is open to qualified researchers in the history of psychiatry and related fields. Contact Nicole Topich, Special Collections Librarian: (212) 746-3728, for more information or to make an appointment to use the library. The Oskar Diethelm Library's reading room is in Room F-1212, Baker Pavilion, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, 525 E. 68th St., New York, NY, 10021 - and is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Can I post flyers in the Library?

We reserve whatever space we may have inside the Library for internal postings pertaining to the college or the Library. A more varied board by the hospital cafeteria sometimes has apartment postings, and you may want to ask if you can post your listings there.


How do I register for library privileges?

All WCM and NYPH employees are automatically registered for borrowing privileges at the Samuel J. Wood Library. To borrow material, please present your WCM/NYPH ID card to the staff at the Library's SMARTDesk.
WCM/NYPH volunteers are not automatically eligible for borrowing privileges; however, their department administrator may sponsor them for borrowing privileges. Please inquire at the Library's SMARTDesk.

MSK, HSS, and Rockefeller employees have borrowing privileges at the Weill Cornell Library. MSK and Rockefeller patrons must register at their home library before presenting their ID cards to borrow material at the Library's SMARTDesk. The staff will manually enter their records into the Samuel J. Wood Library's database to enable borrowing privileges.

HSS staff should present their ID cards at the Library's SMARTDesk for manual registration.

Please inquire at the LIbrary's SMARTDesk if you have additional questions.

How do I find books, journals or other materials?

To find the location of a book or journal at the library, search OneSearch, the joint online catalog of Weill Cornell Medical Library. The e-Resources page contains links to some electronic resources not listed in OneSearch.

How do I check out books, journals or other materials?

All WCM/NYPH ID holders are automatically entered into the Library’s patron database. Just bring your ID card to the SMARTDesk. MSK, HSS and Rockefeller patrons must be manually registered to borrow materials. Please come to the Library SMARTDesk with your ID card.

For additional information, please see our circulation and renewal policies.

How do I renew my library materials without going to the library?

1) You can renew current items yourself by going to OneSearch and logging into your account.

2) Click on "My Library Card"

3) Click on "Loans"

You can also renew library materials, either current or up to seven days overdue, by contacting the Library SMARTDesk.

How can I get a copy of an article from a journal volume, which has a catalog status of "Repair"?

Please make this request at the circulation desk. A library assistant will ask you to fill out a form for repair items. The guaranteed turnaround time is 24 hours. A second assistant can also prepare a photocopy of the article for you. Check OneSearch for electronic versions or copies at Memorial Sloan Kettering or Rockefeller University Library. If no other copies are available, you can request the item through Interlibrary Loan.

What if the library doesn't own the journal or book I want?

Staff, students or faculty with a current ID from NYP-WCMC, or anyone sponsored with full borrowing privileges, may request an interlibrary loan for journal articles, books or other materials not in our collection. You may submit requests online.


What is OneSearch?

OneSearch is your one-stop shop for accessing a wide range of content belonging to Weill Cornell and our partners at Rockefeller University (RU) and Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSKCC).

With OneSearch, you can:

  • Access full text articles, chapters, e-books, and our physical collection 
  • Access all WCM content, as well as RU and MSKCC physical offerings
  • Manage your library account, renewals, and requests in one, easy to navigate location

Whom do I contact if I can't log in to my account?

If you are having problems with your account. Please contact our support team using any of the methods here: https://library.weill.cornell.edu/ask-us

How do I save a search in OneSearch?

If you have a favorite author or subject for which you often search when using the catalog, you can save the search with the click of a button. This will prevent you from having to key in the search each time and let you place reserves on new materials quicker.

1) Sign In

2) Click on "Save Query"

3) Turn on notifications if desired

How do I save an item in OneSearch?

You can save individual records in OneSearch with the touch of a button.

1) Sign In

2) Click the thumbtack icon from the search results or the indivual record


How do I export a reference from OneSearch

You can easily export, print, or email records from OneSearch:

1) From the search results, click on the '...' symbol

2) Export using your desired method

OR Export using your desired method from within the item record

I am a MSK or Rockefeller employee, can I log in to OneSearch?

While you might be used to logging in to one catalog website shared between Weill Cornell, MSK, and Rockefeller, we now maintain three separate instances of the catalog. You can log into your local institutions catalog by going to your library's home pages:

Finding Information You Need

How can I find a list of articles on a particular topic or by a certain author?

To find a list of articles on a particular topic, search a bibliographic database such as PubMed. Bibliographic databases can be searched in many ways, including by author, keyword, and subject heading. PubMed is a great place to start, but the library has online bibliographic databases specific to many disciplines, including aging (AgeLine), alternative medicine (AMED), behavioral sciences (PsycINFO), chemistry (SciFinder), and nursing (CINAHL). The list of databases is available on the e-Resources page.

How can I find the full name of journals when I only have title abbreviations?

When searching abbreviated journal titles, the Journal Browser feature of PubMed can help you. Simply type in the abbreviation from your list. The results will contain the full title, which you can then use to search the library's catalog, OneSearch. Please note: always use the full title of the journal when searching OneSearch. If you search the catalog for an abbreviation of a journal title, many times the only entry that will come up is one at Rockefeller's Library.

How can I find a scale, test, or questionnaire I need to use in my research?

The library offers many resources you can use to search for this type of information. They are as follows:

In addition to information about obtaining tests, it is also possible to find summaries of a test, articles about a test, and sometimes the test itself reprinted in other publications. The American Psychological Association's FAQ: Finding Information About Psychological Tests may also be useful. However, the library cannot obtain working copies of tests to administer in research with subjects. Usually, such materials must be purchased from the publisher or obtained directly from the creator(s).

Please keep in mind copyright regulations when using these resources. More information about these regulations can be found on the Copyright Resources at Weill Cornell page.

How can I find an article from a recent issue of the New York Times?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the library's subscription to the paper version of The New York Times was suspended until further notice. The library does not have a subscription to the NYT.com digital version.  However, users can access full-text content of recent issues of The New York Times through several e-resources via the library's OneSearch.

How can I find scientific images for my projects and presentations?

The library has compiled a guide to finding images on the web or in print. Many sites allow free use of the images for teaching and educational purposes, but you should always read the terms of use. Each site generally lists its own terms and conditions for use of its images.

How can I find a Weill Cornell Medical College/Graduate School dissertation?

Full-text PDF dissertations from recent years are available online from ProQuest. Dissertations not available from ProQuest are held in the Medical Center Archives(212) 746-6072 // email-archives@med.cornell.edu.

How can I find the Impact Factor of a journal?

Journal Impact Factors (JIFs) are published via Journal Citation Reports (JCR). JIFs, which are calculated from data indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, are a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year, helping to evaluate a journal's relative importance, especially compared to others in the same field. The JIF is calculated by dividing the number of current citations from an article published in the two previous years, by the total number of articles published in the two previous years.

However, JCR notes that JIFs "...should be used with careful attention to the many factors that influence citation rates, such as the volume of publication and citation characteristics of the subject area and type of journal. The Journal Impact Factor can complement expert opinion and informed peer review. In the case of academic evaluation for tenure, it is inappropriate to use a journal-level metric as a proxy measure for individual researchers, institutions, or articles."

How can I obtain a copy of the Cornell Medical Index?

The Cornell Medical Index (CMI) is out-of-print and no longer available. If you have further questions concerning the CMI, please refer to a brief history of the Cornell Medical Index, or contact the Archives.

Accessing Online Resources

What does the message "You are connected from outside the Weill Cornell Medical College network" mean?

When accessing the Library's website from outside the Weill Cornell network, users will see the message "You are connected from outside the Weill Cornell Medical College network" below the search panel on the library's homepage.  Authorized users will need to authenticate using EZproxy to access library resources. 

To determine if you have access to EZproxy, click on a library resource that requires authentication. If you are unable to log in, see How to use EZproxy and visit the EZproxy FAQ page for additional information and questions.

How can I get access to the Weill Cornell Medical College electronic journals and databases from home?

Weill Cornell Medical College faculty, students, and staff are eligible to access e-resources from home or off-campus by using the library's EZproxy Remote Access Service.  Please refer to How to use EZproxy and visit the EZproxy FAQ page for additional information and questions.

If you are a NewYork-Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center resident or clinical fellow, please read this FAQ. If you are any other NYP employee, remote access to licensed library resources is not available. However, remote access to non-library, hospital network resources is possible. Please refer to Core Resources VPN Access for details.

Some library e-resources are freely available online and can be accessed via OneSearch, our catalog of holdings, and PubMed, the premier index of biomedical literature. Other publicly available resources are marked as "free" within e-Resources.

Those interested in learning about a growing movement to make scholarly literature available online, free of charge, are invited to read our Guide to Open Access.

As an NYP-WCMC resident or clinical fellow, do I have remote access?

Yes, we're pleased to offer remote electronic resource access to NYP-WCMC residents and clinical fellows. You can now connect to our extensive collection of e-journals, e-books, and clinical/research tools - including AccessMedicine, BMJ Best Practice, MICROMEDEX, Scopus, and Web of Science - from any location using the library's EZproxy Remote Access Service.

See How to use EZproxy and visit the EZproxy FAQ page for additional information and questions. 

NOTE: VPN Client enabled on mobile devices will continue to provide remote access to library content on mobile Apps.

What e-resources are not available from home or outside the network?

Currently, Lexi-comp is the only resource that cannot be accessed via EZproxy Remote Access Service.  Please register for the mobile app while on-campus for off-campus use.  

Where can I find a list of your electronic journals?

Find the most up-to-date listing of our electronic journals here. If you encounter issues or have any other questions, please contact the SMARTDesk.

How can I print or download full-text articles from electronic journals? Which version should I choose?

Most electronic journal publishers give you a choice of PDF or HTML versions of their articles. With the article on-screen, you can use the browser's Print or Save commands to print or download that article. The PDF version is generally recommended in order to produce an exact printed copy of the article, as well as maintain pagination and chart size/placement. Free Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required to view PDF files.

HTML versions produce regular web pages, and do not require any additional software. Drawbacks of HTML include inconsistent page numbering, and graphics separated as files that have to be enlarged and/or printed separately. Benefits of HTML include the ability to copy and paste text into other documents, as well as download or enlarge graphics.

What is the difference between PubMed and Ovid?

Both of these products provide access to MEDLINE. PubMed is a database containing MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE (citations provided to the database from publishers before the citations are edited and subject headings are added), and other literature citations created and produced by the National Library of Medicine.

Ovid Technologies provides separate software for searching a variety of databases including MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) Reviews, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (literature reviewed for excellence in research methodology), Cancerlit, CINAHL (Cumulated Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database, a major biomedical and pharmaceutical database well known for its international scope). Ovid's interface allows one to run the same search across multiple databases. This feature enhances the results by taking advantage of the unique focus of these various databases.

Advantages and limitations exist for both PubMed and Ovid interfaces. Classes and consultations are provided by librarians, in order to use these resources to your best advantage.

Where can I find a medical dictionary online?

Stedman's Medical Dictionary via STAT!Ref is recommended. Search or Browse for Stedman's via the e-Resources tab on the library's home page. On the STAT!Ref homepage, find "Dictionary" at the top of the page.

The Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary is another free, online resource.

Interlibrary Services (aka Interlibrary Loan)

Where do I place an interlibrary loan request?

Library patrons can place requests online, using the Interlibrary Loan Request Form

How long do I have to wait for an interlibrary loan request to be filled?

Plan ahead when requesting materials. The time taken for a request to be filled depends on several factors that are mostly under the control of the library from which we are requesting.  Requests for articles are filled electronically, usually within 1-2 business days.  Requests for monographs can require a longer time period, depending upon the availablilty of the item and method of delivery.  Feel free to check with Interlibrary Services: (646) 962-2560, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday-Friday, regarding the status of a request that you have submitted.

What if I have an urgent interlibrary loan request?

Requests involving clinical emergencies or immediate patient care can often be filled within hours.  Call the Interlibrary Loan Office: (646) 962-2560, for more information.

How will I know when an interlibrary loan request is ready for me to pick up?

When the requested item arrives, patrons are notified via phone or email, as indicated on the request form.

How do I log in and make an interlibrary loan request for the first time?

  1. Find the Interlibrary Loan Tripsaver Request Form here.  Click on the button that corresponds with the institution with which you are affiliated (Weill Cornell Medicine or New York-Presbyterian)
  2. Log in as a first-time User. Your login email is the same email address that serves as your campus wide identification number (CWID).  Example:  jnj2012@med.cornell.edu or XYZ2023@nyp.org .
  3. When signing in as a first-time user, your initial password will be the same password you use to log in to institutional programs, such as Microsoft Outlook, email, etc. This field is case-sensitive. After having entered your password, click the "Login" button. This will take you to the "Change Personal Information" screen.
  4. Provide the requested information. Fields marked with an asterisk *must* be filled in. When you're done, click the "Submit Information" button.
  5. You may change your personal information at any time by scrolling to "Tools" at the bottom of the sidebar and clicking on the “Update Account Information” button.

If you are having problems logging, possible solutions may include:

  • Re-entering your email.  See Step 2 above.
  • Re-entering your password, making certain that you are using the correct case (and that CAPS LOCK is not on).
  • If you still cannot log in, please speak to our colleagues in the Interlibrary Services Department at (646) 962-2560. 
  • Password-related issues can be resolved by our colleagues at the Circulation/SMARTDesk.  While a personal visit is recommended, they are also available by phone: (212) 746-GURU.


Meeting Rooms

How can I request a meeting or computer room at Weill Cornell Medical College?

The WCMC/NYP community has a range of options for reserving rooms:

For the Samuel J. Wood Library Computer Lab, use the Computer Lab Reservation Form.

For the Samuel J. Wood Library Collaboration Room, use the Collaboration Room Reservation Form.

For the Samuel J. Wood Library Mac Lab, use the Library Mac Computer Lab Reservation Form.

Founded in 2008, the Event Services Office provides centralized scheduling, event support, and a wide array of technological services in support of Weill Cornell Medical College. The Event Services Office can be reached from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday-Friday: (212) 746-4706. General inquiries can be sent to the ESO via email.

Wireless Access, Computing, and Software

How do I connect to the Internet with my personal laptop?

Weill Cornell Medicine's wireless network service provides laptop and mobile users with fast and secure access to email and web-based services. It is available in most campus buildings, listed as "WCMC".  In order to access the WCMC Secure Network, users will first need to have their laptops “tagged” by ITS. If you are an employee and need to tag your laptop or tablet, your Department Administrator will need to submit a “computer connection request” here which should include a fund number. You will also need to make an appointment with ITS here.

Students enrolled in WCM degree programs can access most Library resources using the Apollo network. Certain resources managed by Cornell University Library may not be accessible on Apollo. The instructions on self-registering devices to the free Apollo network are available on the ITS website. Device registration into the Apollo network expires after one year and must be renewed annually.

Students enrolled in WCM degree programs who are on-campus and need to tag their personal devices (up to 5 devices) must submit a “Student Connection Request” through myHelpdesk. Tagging a personal device is not required or recommended. However, those who require access to the secure “WCMC” wireless network, WCM resources such as fileshare or specific research related servers will need to tag their personal device. Make a SMARTDesk appointment prior to going to the SMARTDesk. 

ITS has implemented eduroam, a new wireless service for visitors of the Weill Cornell campus. Users who have eduroam at their home institution can access wireless internet at Weill Cornell with their own credentials. WCM users can access wireless at any institution that participates in eduroam. Click here for instructions on how to connect to eduroam.

A guest network is also available to visitors on campus who do not have access to eduroam wireless.

Please direct all wireless access inquiries to ITS at (212) 746-4878 or support@med.cornell.edu. For additional information, please visit ITS Wireless Networks.

Can I print from my wireless laptop in the Samuel J. Wood Library?

Personal wireless laptop printing is available with very limited functions through “Web Print” via PaperCut. Once you log in, click Web Print on the bottom left, follow the on-screen instructions, and select “Library - first floor” as the printer. Please be advised that color and single-sided printing are not available via Web Print. If you need to print in the Library, we highly recommend you use a desktop computer or visit the SMARTDesk to check out a Library laptop in order to access the full range of printing options.

Is there free wireless printing anywhere in the Medical College?

ITS does not provide any public network printer available at this time. Please direct all inquires for wireless network printing to ITS.

How can I print in the Library?

The Library offers black and white and color printing for a fee through Papercut, WCM's print management system. A PaperCut account is required to print. There are two printers in the Library - one in the Library Commons on the first floor and one in the 24/7 Study Room. All computers in the Library print to the Library's printers. For more information, please visit Print and Photocopying.

Where can I connect my laptop to a power outlet in the Library?

The best places to connect your laptop to a power outlet are the study carrels in the sunken reading room. The outlets are under a removable wooden strip at the head of each desk. A few carrels in the stacks (on the side wall) have outlets in the task light under the carrel shelf.

Where can I scan documents in the Library?

You can scan documents on both Library printers. The printers are located in the Library Commons on the first floor, just past the SMARTDesk and in the 24/7 Study Room. Scanning is free but a PaperCut account is required to log into the printer. After logging into the printer with your PaperCut credentials, press the Use Device Functions button in the middle of the screen to enable the scanning tab at the top of the screen.  Press the scanning tab to access the printers scanning mode. 

My screen-reading browser cannot read PDFs. How can I get PDFs converted to something useable like HTML or plain text?

Accessibility Tools for Adobe PDF documents provide several options for helping visually impaired users read PDF files using screen-reading applications. Please visit Adobe Accessibility for more information. The Adobe Acrobat Access View plug-in for Windows can be downloaded here. Mac OS users, or those using shared computers, can convert PDF files to text or HTML by using the email or web-based submission tools available at Online Conversion Tools for Adobe PDF Documents.

How do I download free full text with EndNote?

EndNote can automate the task of locating full text files on the web by using bibliographic data stored in reference. Once found, EndNote downloads and attaches the PDF to the reference. EndNote uses several methodologies when searching for the full text of scholarly journal articles and conference proceedings. Depending on the subject area and recency of publication, this feature can work for more than half of one's citations.

To set up Find Full Text:

Download EndNote X2 Full Text

To use Find Full Text, either pull down the "References" menu and choose the "Find Full Text" command, or right-click on a reference and choose it.

To manually add a PDF attachment, go to the top menu of EndNote and select "References". Then select "File Attachments" and finally "Attach File". More recent versions of EndNote also allow manually adding full text by dragging a PDF file and dropping it on top of a record.

Does the Library have a projector available for checkout?

The Library has a projector available for checkout. The projector comes with a remote, power cable and a thunder bolt to thunderbolt/vga dongle connection. Call 646-962-2570 for additional information.

Using the Print and Photocopy System (PaperCut)

Where are the printers/copiers and how do I use them?

There are two printers/copiers in the library - one in the Library Commons on the first floor, just past the SMARTDesk, and one in the 24/7 Study Room. A PaperCut account is required to print. Please visit Print and Photocopying for full details about printing and photocopying in the Samuel J. Wood Library and the Memorial Sloan Kettering, Rockefeller, and Hospital for Special Surgery Libraries.

What is the cost of printing and photocopying in the library?

The charges per exposure are:

  • Black & white printing: 10 cents
  • Color printing: 50 cents

WCM medical students, 1st and 2nd year PhD students, PA students and Computational Biology students are credited with a $20 PaperCut printing allotment each week. These funds are refreshed each Sunday evening and can be used for printing in the Library, Olin Hall, in the Ed Center, at the PRC or in the BRB. Students who have problems with their allotments should contact the Education Technologies Group (ETG) by navigating to myHelpdesk (http://myhelpdesk.weill.cornell.edu) or by sending an email to etg-support@med.cornell.edu.

How do I create a PaperCut account?

You can create a PaperCut account through the WCM print management system at print.weill.cornell.edu. Click on the Register as a New User link in the bottom, right corner of the login box to create a new account.

How do I add value to my PaperCut account?

Add cash value by using the Add Value Station in the Library Commons. The Add Value Station accepts $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills. They do not make change.

We regret that cash refunds cannot be given under any circumstance, even if you are leaving the institution, so please keep this in mind when putting money into your PaperCut account.

How do I get a refund on my PaperCut account?

We will be happy to refund your PaperCut account for any bad copies made due to printer malfunction. Please bring the bad copies to the SmartDesk, and we will reimburse you by adding value to your account.

We regret that cash refunds cannot be given under any circumstance, even if you are leaving the institution, so please keep this in mind when putting money into your PaperCut account.

Why does the library charge for printing services?

The library needs to recover costs for paper, toner, and maintenance of its printers. Charging for printing also reduces paper wastage.

How do I print in color?

From within the Library, you can change the color settings under "printer features" in the drop down menu after going to File > Print. The default setting is color. For more information, please see the Printing and Photocopying page for more information.

You can now also print in color anywhere on campus by going to print.weill.cornell.edu and printing to "Library Printers Color" (see image below). The following file types are allowed in WebPrint: Microsoft Excel xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx Microsoft PowerPoint pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx Microsoft Word doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, rtf, txt PDF pdf Picture Files bmp, dib, gif, jfif, jif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff.

Select a printer option its-pubprntp01\Library Printers Color (virtual) Location/Department Library

Library Statistics & Annual Reports

How can I obtain library collection statistics for grant applications?

For the purpose of completing grant applications, the library keeps a record of collection statistics.

Are the library's annual reports available online?

The library's annual reports are available within Annual Reports and Publications.


Who provides the artwork on display in the library?

The Weill Cornell Medical Library curates three art shows per year, beginning in the fall with the Medical Complex Art Show. This show displays the works of faculty, staff and students of the Weill Cornell Medical College and Graduate School of Medical Sciences, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Hospital for Special Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and Rockefeller University. Works from members of local art groups are featured in the winter, spring and summer shows. For information about library art shows, please visit Art in the Library.

How can I have my artwork displayed in the library?

Students, staff and faculty members - of the Weill Cornell Medical College and Graduate School of Medical Sciences, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Hospital for Special Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and Rockefeller University - can submit up to six photographs or slides for the Medical Complex Art Show. An annual "Call for Art" is issued in early fall. Individuals not affiliated with these institutions, but who are members of a local art group, are welcome to contact the library about the possibility of a show. Additional information can be found in the Library Art Show Guidelines. If you have further questions, please email infodesk@med.cornell.edu. General information about the artwork in the library can be found here.

Alumni Resource Access

How do alumni get access to the library and its resources?

Alumni of the Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) and the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (WCGSMS) are eligible for borrowing privileges at the library.

Alumni of the Medical College must present their alumni card at the Circulation Desk to register for borrowing privileges. Alumni cards are available through the Office of Alumni Relations: (646) 317-7419. Once you have completed the registration process, your alumni card will be barcoded and also serve as a library card. It must be presented to staff each time you enter the library, and at the Circulation Desk each time you wish to borrow material. Please have it with you whenever you come.

Alumni of the Graduate School must present a letter of verification from the Graduate School Office: (212) 746-6565, to library staff at the Circulation Desk. A separate library card will be issued to eligible alumni at that time. This card must then be presented to staff each time you enter the library, and at the Circulation Desk each time you wish to borrow material. Please have it with you whenever you come to the Library.

Please note that alumni privileges do not include Interlibrary Services, TripSaver Requests, off-site access, or access to any of our affiliated institutions.

Why are licensed resources not available for alumni to use from home?

Almost all of the e-journals and databases that the library makes available online have restrictions on use and access, that are specified in the licensing agreements signed by the library and respective publishers and vendors. Access is restricted to faculty, students, staff, employees, and other authorized users. Alumni have not been included as authorized users for remote access. Alumni onsite at the library have access to these resources, as they are all licensed for onsite use.

What resources are available to alumni at home?

All resources on the Electronic Resources page marked "FREE" can be accessed from any location. Additionally, inside of OneSearch, the library catalog, alumni can filter literature results by using the 'Open Access' filter. Links to possible freely available versions are also included in each article record, though this is not always accurate.

Alumni who are residents of New York State may be able to access databases, online journals and newspapers from the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library.

What resource access services are available for alumni who don't live in New York?

WCMC Information Services can help you locate other health science libraries which may have the items you need - use the Ask a Reference Question online form. Your local public library may also be able to borrow items for you from libraries around the country, through an interlibrary loan system.

Using the GET IT button

What is GET IT?


The GET IT button provides direct links, from citations in selected databases to full texts, if available. GET IT also provides links to other services, such as Interlibrary Loan, in a menu format. Service options will vary among citations, but if the library subscribes to the online full text, GET IT will link to the full text of the article. 

How do I use GET IT?

As you are searching through Weill Cornell Medical Library databases, look for the GET IT button to access additional content. 

Video tutorial: How to Find Full-Text Articles While Off-Campus

Clicking on the GET IT button will open a new browser window with a menu of available services. From this menu you will be able to:

  • Link directly to the full text of the article, if the library has a subscription.
  • Check the OneSearch online catalog for the availability of the printed material in the Weill Cornell Medical Library.
  • Check the OneSerach online catalog for the availability of the material in either electronic or print format at the Rockefeller University Library (RUL), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Library (MSK), and/or Hospital for Special Surgery Library (HSS)
  • Make an interlibrary loan request via our TripSaver service, if neither the full text or the printed version is available.
  • Perform an ISI Web of Knowledge author search.
  • Export your citation to your RefWorks, EndNote or Reference Manager software.
  • Access a GET IT frequently asked questions list.
  • Send your questions or comments to the Library's Information Desk.

What should I do if there is no full text available from this service?

Full text is not always available electronically, either because the publisher doesn't make it available or because the library doesn't subscribe to it. In this case, GET IT will check Tri-Cat to see if the library has the item in print format. If the print version is not available, the link server will allow you to request the item through Interlibrary Loan.

Why does GET IT sometimes show more than one option? Which one should I pick?

If GET IT cannot tell exactly which journal you need, it may show you multiple journal titles and ISSNs. In addition, many times GET IT will find several sources that included the item you want. In both cases, scan through the list in the order which it is presented, until you locate the desired option.

When I click to get full text, sometimes I end up on the journal's home page or table of contents. Can't I go directly to the article?

GET IT is programmed to get as 'close' to the full-text as it can. The journal publisher controls whether a direct link to the article is available. For certain publications, you will have to navigate through the publisher's web site to get to the article you're looking for.

When I try to get the full text, I get a screen telling me the item is not found. Why? What should I do?

Sometimes problems occur in relation to mapping the article citation. In this situation, look for a search screen at the publisher's site and search for your article. Try searching for the item by author or title. In some cases, the article is not available in the source (eg. supplements). If you search and find nothing, check OneSearch for print holdings, or request an Interlibrary Loan.

I clicked on GET IT, but the menu doesn't appear. What's wrong? Could it be my pop-up blocker?

This problem may arise if you are using a "pop-up" blocker program. We recommend disabling any pop-up blocking software you may be running when using the GET IT service. If your popup blocker software allows you to specify a domain for which pop-ups are acceptable, you may wish to add the Weill Cornell Medical Library URL to the list. Please refer to help files associated with your pop-up blocking software for further information about adding domains and pop-up disabling.

Why don't I see the GET IT button?

The GET IT button is not available in all Weill Cornell Medical Library e-Resource databases. If the GET IT button is enabled for your particular database, try the troubleshooting suggestions below:

If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, re-enable JavaScript. To re-enable JavaScript in Netscape: select EDIT, then PREFERENCES from the menu bar. Under ADVANCED, select ENABLE JAVASCRIPT. Click OK. Click on RELOAD to see the changed results. To re-enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer 5: select INTERNET OPTIONS from the TOOLS menu. Within the INTERNET OPTIONS window, select the SECURITY tab, then click on CUSTOM LEVEL. Scroll to JAVA PERMISSIONS and click to select HIGH SAFETY. Click OK to close the SECURITY SETTINGS window, then OK again to close the INTERNET OPTIONS window. Re-launch the browser to ensure the changes have taken effect.

Clear your computer's cache. In Netscape, go to Edit/Preferences/Advanced/Cache and clear the memory and disk cache. In IE, select Tools/Internet Options and then under the General tab, select Delete Temporary Internet Files.

Why did my session 'time out' while using GET IT?

Your session will time out according to the parameters of the database. (For example, Ovid databases time out after 20 minutes of inactivity.) If you are viewing full-text via a GET IT window, the database will consider this inactivity. Please be aware of these time constraints, or the database session may close, and you will lose your search.

Who can use GET IT?

Any user connected to the New York Presbyterian-Weill Medical College of Cornell University network has access to GET IT. Please read our statement concerning Rights & Restrictions to the Use of Electronic Resources.

Can I use this service from off campus?

Yes, provided you have dialed into the network, activated VPN on your computer, or logged in using EZProxy.

In what databases does GET IT appear?

PubMed, Ovid (select databases), Faculty of 1000, and Web of Science, among others.


What is EZproxy?

EZproxy is a service that allows Weill Cornell's current faculty, students, staff and NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell's residents and fellows to remotely access the library's subscribed (paid) electronic content such as e-journals, e-books, and other e-resources while off-campus. EZproxy is replacing WebVPN and VPN for remote access to the library's resources.

Who can use EZproxy?

EZproxy is available to:

On and Off-Campus

  • People with active academic appointments at Weill Cornell Medical College, such as faculty, postdocs, fellows, research associates, etc.
  • Employees of Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Temporary employees at Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Residents and fellows for the East/WCM campus of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP-Weill Cornell)
On-campus Only
  • NYP: People accessing library resources on a device connected to the NYP-Weill Cornell Network (East/WCM campus) are required to select NewYork-Presbyterian and login with their CWID/Password via oneID
  • WCM: Devices are autologin to EZproxy without requiring CWID/password

Can I still use VPN to access library resources?

Yes, but only until January 9, 2017. After that, VPN will require you to re-authenticate with EZproxy to use library resources. See How to use EZproxy for additional information. 

NOTE: VPN Client enabled on mobile devices will continue to provide remote access to library content on mobile Apps.

Why am I not authorized to use EZproxy?

Most of the library's electronic resources are governed by license agreements between Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and publishers. Our authorized users are current faculty, students, staff and NYP-Weill Cornell residents/fellows.  After January 9, 2017, WebVPN/VPN will no longer provide remote access to library resources, but will redirect you to EZproxy.

If you are an authorized user and unable to login to EZproxy, please contact the ITS Service Desk with the following information: 

  • Which resource(s) are you trying to access?

  • Where are you physically located? (e.g., Lower Manhattan, NYP-Queens, at home, etc.)

  • What is your current status with WCM and/or NYP-Weill Cornell? (e.g., WCM Volunteer, NYP-WCM Resident/Fellow, student).

You may also request access to EZproxy using this form.

Why am I being asked by a publisher website to pay or login for access to library content?

Check whether the website URL has ezproxy.med.cornell.edu in it. If it does not, try putting http://ezproxy.med.cornell.edu/login?url= in front of it.

For example: If your URL is http://clinicalkey.com, your new URL should look like this: http://ezproxy.med.cornell.edu/login?url=http://clinicalkey.com

If it does have EZproxy in it, please contact the ITS Service Desk with the following information:

  • Which resource(s) were you trying to access? Please copy and paste the page's URL or provide a screenshot.

  • Where were you physically located? (e.g., Lower Manhattan, NYP-Queens, at home, etc.) 

Why isn't EZproxy working?

ITS performs routine maintenance on college-wide servers, including EZproxy, at various times. Check your email or the ITS website for a maintenance notification. If you experience service problems at any other time, try restarting your browser or clearing your browser history/cache/cookies. You could also consider switching browsers. If you continue to experience problems, please contact the ITS Service Desk with the following information:

  • Which resource(s) are you trying to access? Please copy and paste the page's URL or provide a screenshot.

  • Where are you physically located? (e.g., Lower Manhattan, NYP-Queens, at home, etc.) 

How do I make my own EZproxy links? (e.g. articles, ebooks, Canvas, etc.)

If you want to create links that will pass through our EZproxy service,  you must modify the URL by putting the EZproxy URL https://login.ezproxy.med.cornell.edu/login?url=  in front of it.

For example: If your URL is https://clinicalkey.com, your new URL should look like this: https://login.ezproxy.med.cornell.edu/login?url=http://clinicalkey.com

Why do I get a "hostname" error message?

A "hostname" error means that the resource has not yet been configured on the EZProxy server. In some cases, the publisher has changed their URL address and we need to update EZproxy. Please contact the ITS Service Desk with the following information:

  • Which resource(s) were you trying to access? Please copy and paste the page's URL or provide a screenshot.

Why is there no option to choose between Weill Cornell or NYP when using EZproxy?

If you don't see the page to select WCM or NYP, you need to click this link https://login.weill.cornell.edu/ds/ezproxy/clear-choice to clear the browser memory. Alternatively, you can clear your browser history/cache.

Why am I able to access some e-resources without logging into EZproxy?

The library provides links to some full text journals and other resources that are freely available to anyone on the Internet, either for a limited time or permanently.  If you click on a free resource on the library's website, you will not be prompted to login to EZproxy. We will only require you to login for subscribed/paid content.

How do I connect to EZproxy from off-campus?

No set up is required. When you click on a library resource that requires EZproxy, you will be prompted to login. Your session will remain active for two hours. You can log out of EZproxy by quitting your browser.

Whom should I contact, if I have more questions about EZproxy?

Please contact the ITS Service Desk.

How can I use a bookmarklet with EZproxy?

A bookmarklet allows you to connect to EZproxy without first going to the library's website. By using the remote access bookmarklet, you can log into EZproxy and identify yourself to the resource publisher as an authorized Weill Cornell user.

How to Install/Add the Bookmarklet

Drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. Then, just click it any time you want to access your current page via EZProxy

If you are having problems dragging the Bookmarlet above then try "Right Click" on your mouse for other options to save the bookmark.

Why am I unable to access a resource on the library's website?

If you are having problems accessing a resource(s) on the library's website, here are some possible solutions:

#1:  Clear your browser history, cache, and cookies.

Visit this page for assistance  http://www.it.cornell.edu/security/how.cfm?cat=1&tip=117 (from Cornell Ithaca)

#2: Do not use WebVPN. Instead go directly to the library's website.

#3: Try changing to a different browser.

If you continue to have a problems, please contact the ITS Service Desk with the following information:

  • Which resource(s) were you trying to access? Please copy and paste the page's URL or provide a screenshot.

  • Where were you physically located? (e.g., Lower Manhattan, NYP-Queens, at home, etc.) 

May I share my login credentials with a non-Weill Cornell collaborator?

NO. Sharing your CWID and password violates WCM's Policy 11.15 - Password Policy and Guidelines and makes Weill Cornell liable for any violation of our license agreements. Never give your CWID and password to anyone. You are liable for all transactions associated with your CWID.  If you would like your collaborator to have access for a limited period of time, please have him/her submit our EZproxy Request Form.

What does the message "Access Suspended" or "File missing: docs/suspend.htm" mean?

This message appears when EZproxy detects excessive downloading of electronic content. This restriction protects our EZproxy server from excessive downloading by robots or other mechanisms.  Our license agreements do not allow for systematic or bulk downloading. 

If you get this message, it means you have exceeded the data/PDF downloading/transfer allowance. Please contact the library's Resource Management Team at liberm@med.cornell.edu to investigate.

Can alumni use our EZproxy Remote Access service?

No, remote access to most of our licensed electronic resources is restricted to current Weill Cornell faculty, students and staff.  However, some resources allow free access. Please visit our Alumni Services page for more details.

How can I request access to EZproxy?

Please check your access before submitting a request.

To check if you have access, please try logging in from off campus here.  If you received a message that you are not authorized, you may submit a request:

 EZproxy Request Form.


What data needs to be made sharable under the NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy?

Under the DMS Policy, researchers are expected to maximize the appropriate sharing of scientific data, which is defined as data commonly accepted in the scientific community as being of sufficient quality to validate and replicate the research findings.

Not all data generated during NIH-supported research will constitute scientific data under the DMS Policy. Specifically, the DMS Policy does not expect researchers to share:

  • Data that are not necessary for or of sufficient quality to validate and replicate the research findings,
  • Laboratory notebooks,
  • Preliminary analyses that are not necessary for or of sufficient quality to validate and replicate the research findings,
  • Completed case report forms,
  • Drafts of scientific papers,
  • Plans for future research,
  • Peer reviews,
  • Communications with colleagues, or
  • Physical objects, such as laboratory specimens

NOTE: This differs from the WCM Data Retention Policy, which calls for retention of additional material.

Adapted from: NIH DMS Plan FAQ

When should data be shared?

Scientific data should be made accessible as soon as possible, and no later than the time of an associated publication or the end of the performance period of the extramural award that generated the data. Specifically, the DMS Policy expects scientific data to be shared by the earlier of two timepoints:

  • The time of an associated publication:  Scientific data underlying peer-reviewed journal articles should be made accessible no later than the date on which the article is first made available in print or electronic format.


  • The end of the performance period: Scientific data underlying findings not disseminated through peer-reviewed journal articles should be shared by the end of the performance period unless the grant enters into a no-cost extension. If a no cost extension is permitted, then the recipient should share the data by the end of the extended performance period. These scientific data may underlie unpublished key findings, developments, and conclusions; or findings documented within preprints, conference proceedings, or book chapters. For example, scientific data underlying null and negative findings are important to share even though these key findings are not always published.  Researchers should be aware that some preprint servers may require the sharing of data upon preprint posting, and repositories storing data may similarly require public release of data upon preprint posting.

Adapted from: NIH DMSP FAQ

How long do I need to share my data?

The NIH places no definitive limit on how long data needs to be shared. However, per the WCM Data Retention Policy data must be retained for a minimum of six years. If data and images are used in a subsequent publication, or cited in a subsequent publication or grant application by faculty, then data must be available for an additional six years

If I don't plan on sharing my data, do I still need to create a DMSP?

Yes, a DMSP must be completed to the best of your ability regardless of whether or not you will be sharing your data.

If my DMSP changes during the course of the project, do I need to get the new version approved?

Yes, the new, revised DMSP will need to be approved by the funding NIH Institute or Center. Reviews of DMSPs occur during the RPPR period and are conducted by NIH staff.

Who assesses DMSPs when they are submitted?

Program staff at the proposed NIH Institute or Center (IC) will assess DMS Plans to ensure the elements of a DMS Plan have been adequately addressed and to assess the reasonableness of those responses. Applications selected for funding will only be funded if the DMS Plan is complete and acceptable.

During peer review, reviewers will not be asked to comment on the DMS Plan nor will they factor the DMS Plan into the Overall Impact score, unless sharing data is integral to the project design and specified in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (see NOT-OD-22-189). 

If data sharing is integral to the project and tied to a scored review criterion in the funding opportunity announcement, program staff will assess the adequacy of the DMS Plan per standard procedure, but peer reviewers will also be able to view the DMS Plan attachment and may factor that information into scores as outlined in the evaluation criteria. 

Adapted from: NIH DMS Plan FAQ

What is the start date of the DMS Policy?

The DMS Policy applies to proposals submitted on or after January 25, 2023.

For contract implementation, the NIH Document Generation System (DGS) language regarding the policy shall be included in all solicitations released as of July 1, 2022, with an original proposal receipt date of January 25, 2023, or after. The Policy will not apply to solicitation amendments that result in proposal receipt extensions resulting in proposal submission to NIH on or after January 25, 2023 or beyond.

The NIH Data Sharing Policy, dated February 26, 2003, will remain applicable to proposals received prior to January 25, 2023, and contracts resulting from those proposals.

Adapted from: NIH DMS Plan FAQ

Data Compliance

Who is the custodian of the research data and responsible for answering the following questions?

The Principal Investigator.

The Cornell University Policy 4.21 on Research Data Retention specifies that principal investigators are the custodians of their research data and responsible for the proper use, access, security, and control of any research data under their management or supervision, including the data used in scholarly publications or presentations.

According to CU policy, when do I have to create a WCM Institutional Data Repository for Research (WIDRR) entry for my data?

1. Are your research data referenced in a publication?

Yes: Create a data retention record in the data retention tool upon publication (60 days after publication at the latest)
No: No action required

2. Are your research data a result of a grant that has just ended?

Yes: Create a record for your dataset in the data retention tool after grant closure (60 days after closure at the latest)
No: No action required

3. Are you leaving WCM or retiring?

Yes: Create a record for your dataset in the data retention tool before leaving (60 days before departure at the latest)
No: No action required

How long does the CU Policy require that I retain my data?

  • Six years after publication OR after grant close-out
  • An additional six years each time you cite your paper referencing the research data

Where should I deposit my data? Which data repository should I use?

Remember that any repositories you choose must also be able to share your data.

1. Does your funding agency or your journal require you to use a specified data repository?
YesDeposit data in the specified repository

No: Do researchers who work with similar data share their data in a specific repository?

Yes: Deposit in the repository used by your research community
NoContact the Wood Library for guidance on using a generalist repository. You can also use this NIH resource to help you choose an appropriate repository: NIH-Supported Data Sharing Resources.

Please remember: Once the data are deposited in a repository (that allows sharing if the data need to be shared), do not forget to create a record in the data retention tool to indicate the location of your dataset(s). 

Creating a record of data retention in WIDRR alone without depositing data in a NIH-recommended repository will not meet the NIH sharing requirements for dataset(s) that need to be shared.

If data are removed from the public repository, this will jeopardize compliance with both NIH and Cornell University policies. Any changes in data deposition must be versioned.

If I have followed the steps above, have I complied with the NIH data sharing policy effective January 25, 2023?

Yes for publications and grant close-outs if your data is in a repository that supports sharing.  

But, for those who want to initiate grants after January 25, 2023, you must also a Data Management and Sharing (DMS) plan.

Please remember the term Scientific Data is defined in the NIH policy as "The recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as of sufficient quality to validate and replicate research findings, regardless of whether the data are used to support scholarly publications. Scientific data do not include laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses, completed case report forms, drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer reviews, communications with colleagues, or physical objects, such as laboratory specimens."

What are the differences in requirements between Cornell University and the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policies?

NIH policy requirements:

The NIH policy requires investigators to share any scientific data to replicate or validate findings.

These do NOT include the following:

  • Lab notebooks
  • Preliminary analyses
  • Case reports
  • Manuscript draft
  • Future research plan
  • Peer reviews
  • Communication with colleagues
  • No lab specimen or other physical objects

NIH recommens keeping data at least three years after grant closeout, but this is different for a contract. The data should include methodology and procedures (including software) used to collect data, data labels, definitions of the variables, and any other information to reproduce and understand the data. NIH also advise the use of naming conventions resulting in unique identifiers, favor the use of Common Data Elements, and suggest advance thought about data storage format and its impact on the research budget, about version control, and the back-up of generated data.

Cornell University policy requirements:

The CU policy requires investigators to record the location of the following data in WIDRR:

  • Scientific raw data from publication (DOI of the publication must be provided)
  • Scientific raw data from any work not published before the investigator’s grant ends (ex.: Preliminary analyses). The funder grant ID must be provided.
  • Scientific raw data from any work not published before the investigator leaves WCM. The Service Now ticket related to the offboarding of the investigator must be provided.
  • Metadata associated with the raw dataset OR instruction on how to access the same raw dataset from the same data provider
  • Lab Notebooks
  • A methods file that details all the analytical steps performed on the raw data until their final published form. This includes software and code used. 

IMPORTANT: to be compliant with the CU policy, investigators must retain any data that cannot be shared in WIDRR. For data that need to be shared according to NIH policy and according to submitted DMP plans, investigators should use a NIH-approved repository and create a record in WIDRR to indicate the location of their dataset.

What do I need to do for new NIH grant applications submitted after January 25, 2023?

You must complete a maximum two-page data management and sharing plan (DMSP) that will be evaluated by NIH.

1. Review a checklist for researchers and NIH guidance before drafting your DMSP. The DMSP must include how data will be managed and shared, and identify the institutional process for confirming the plan is actually followed. Once the DMSP is accepted, it becomes part of the legal Terms and Conditions of the Notice of Award by incorporation. The DMSP can be updated at any time via a letter of prior approval from the Principal Investigator to the funding agency.

Best Practices for secure data storage

  • ITS provides several options for dataset storage. WCM recommends the use of one of these three options for dataset storage:

2. Determine appropriate data to manage and share. What data need to be managed and by whom?  According to the definition of scientific data above, all scientific data need to be managed (data needs to be backed-up, version controlled, with unique identifiers), but not all scientific data need to be shared.  The PI is responsible for the management and sharing according to NIH policy.

What data need to be shared under the NIH policy? The NIH policy expects researchers to maximize appropriate data sharing when developing DMSPs.

For Human Subject research data, NIH recommend the Principal Investigators to:

  • Share according to federal, state/local, tribal, and institutional rules or laws
  • Share the DMSP with study participants as early as possible during the informed consent process
  • Outline steps to protect privacy, rights, and confidentiality
  • Share the limitations on data usage with the person preserving and sharing the data (at WCM these limitations should be shared with the Library) determine if a controlled access is necessary for these datasets, even in the case of de-identified or non-limited datasets.

All limitations on sharing and steps to protect privacy, rights, and confidentiality for sensitive data should be documented in the DMSP.

3. Document the following in your DMSP:

4. Write the DMSP

What do I need to do for grant renewals?

  • Compare your existing data practices with what is required for the renewal
  • Identify gaps in your existing data management plans and practices
  • Address how you will begin sharing this data
  • Consider things the new policy may require, such as Data Use Agreements (DUAs) data de-identification before sharing, data documentation, and upload into a data repository
  • Write your DMSP according to the guidance above

What do I need to submit as part of my funding proposal?

Data Budget

What are the allowable costs?

Allowable costs include any reasonable, justifiable costs required to comply with the DMSP.

Some examples are:

  • Labor for data curation (e.g., formatting data, de-identifying data, preparing metadata to foster discoverability, interpretation, and reuse)
  • Preserving and sharing data through established repositories, formatting data for transmission to and storage at a selected, established repository for long-term preservation and access (if fees apply)
  • Developing supporting documentation
  • De-identifying data
  • Local data management considerations, such as unique infrastructure necessary to provide local management and preservation (before being deposited in an established repository)
  • Other costs

What are the unallowable costs?

  • Infrastructure costs that are included in institutional overhead (e.g., Facilities and Administration costs)
  • Costs associated with the routine conduct of research, including costs associated with collecting or gaining access to research data
  • Costs that are double charged or inconsistently charged as both direct and indirect costs

Where are the costs represented?

The costs must be included in the SF 424 R&R budget form in Section F. Other direct costs or PHS 398 can be included for Modular Budgets. There will be a new Budget Line Item labeled “Data Management and Sharing.” The costs must also be included in Section L of Budget Justification.

Who reviews the budget?

The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will check DMSPs for completeness and viability. The Peer Review Committee (PRC) will assess the budget and the budget justification for feasibility. The PRC will not see the DMSP which will not impact the scoring.

More information on budgeting for data management and sharing can be found here.

What tools are available for compliance purposes during my grant award period?

Storage, Backups, Security:

Generalized Storage:

Specialized Storage:

To choose an appropriate repository we recommend the following steps:

choose a data repo

This flowchart aims to guide investigators in decisions about their data retention and sharing duties for Cornell University and NIH policy compliance.

data repository flowchart

NIH has classified their repositories by funding agencies to help researchers locate the public repositories available under a specific funding Institute or Center. The link below shows lists of repositories that include the Institute or Center, Repository Name, Description, Submission Policy, and How to Access the Data. For guidance on the best repository for your data, contact the Wood Library.

NIH-recommended generalist respositories

The NIH has endorsed nine generalist repositories that house data regardless of type, format, content, or subject matter. The NIH recommended generalist repositories are available through this link: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/NIHbmic/generalist_repositories.html.

For guidance on the best repository for your data, contact the Wood Library.

Other data repositories

Other resources to help researchers find the right repositories can be found on the Samuel J. Wood Library Data Preservation, Access and Associated Timeframes site or the  Arizona University website under the Tools for Finding Repository section.

Data Sharing

Where do I share my data?

You share via the same established data repositories in which you chose to deposit your data, such as:

When do I share my data?

The rule of thumb is: as soon as possible.

Consider relevant expectations such as data repository policies, record retention requirements, or journal policies.

NIH states that you must share your data when you publish your work or before your performance period ends, whichever comes first.

How do I share my data?

  • Address the NIH’s goal of making data as accessible as possible. The NIH expect all sharable data to be made available, whether associated with a publication or not. 
  • All data used or generated as part of a grant must be managed, but not all data should be shared. You should not share data if doing so would violate privacy protections or applicable laws. If your data are not shareable, you must justify it when writing your DMSP.
  • You may share human subjects-related data as long as your plan addresses how data sharing will be communicated in the consent process, and patients have given informed consent. See NIH sample consent language.

Before submitting your data to a repository, you will need to: 

1. Bundle data together in logical groups for citation and reuse with assigned persistent identifiers (e.g., dataset DOIs)

2. De-identify your data, if appropriate

3. Convert your data to an open, machine-readable file format, such as .csv, when possible

4. Use data and metadata standards if appropriate to your field.  Fairsharing.org is a database of such standards.

5. Document the dataset in a separate readme.txt file, and/or create metadata required by your chosen repository or discipline. Refer to the Data Documentation and Metadata Page for more.

What do I need to do for compliance and institutional oversight?

NIH Compliance and Monitoring:

  • You must document your compliance with your DMSP in your annual Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR).  Non-compliance may result in NIH enforcement action such as:
    • Addition of special terms or conditions to the award
    • Termination of the award
    • Non-compliance may also affect future funding decisions
  • If you make changes to your current DMSP, your new plan must be approved by NIH, but the process varies depending on whether the change is made pre-award or post award.

Institutional Oversight:

  • PIs will ultimately be responsible for ensuring the DMSP is executed
  • The IRB will be responsible for ensuring that the sharing of data pertaining to human subjects is consistent between the DMSP and informed consent
  • PIs will be responsible for ensuring Data Use Agreements are in place before sharing sensitive data
  • Before sharing any data from the data core, data curators will ensure that the data have been de-identified, and will work with the PI and IRB to ensure that proper consents and permissions have been obtained to share the data

Does the Library offer manuscript editing?

The Library's editing service is limited to grant applications. Other types of academic writing (e.g., manuscripts, conference abstracts, CVs, etc.) are not accepted, as we do not have either the expertise or capacity to do so.

There are many pay-for-service options, although we can't endorse their service or quality. For example, here's a list from PNAS and Grammarly.com has a free trial version.

Does the Library offer translation services?

The Library does not offer translation services. We suggest searching for a professional translation service in the American Translators Association directory. As a free option, you can try Google Translate; however this should not be solely relied upon for entirely accurate translations of scientific or medical literature. Another option is DeepL, which as of fall 2023 allowed free translation up to 5 documents (< 5MB) per month and has additional pricing plans for higher numbers of documents. 

Instructions for using Google Translate:

  1. Download the PDF 
  2. Remedite with OCR in Adobe Acrobat if needed (Edit PDF > Settings, select the language, select "OCR all pages"). Save the OCR'd file with a new filename 
  3. Upload the file to Google Translate 
  4. Download the translated file

I'd like to donate books to the library.

Thank you for thinking of the Wood Library. Currently, we don't accept print book donations, as we are transitioning most of our print collection to e-books. We are only acquiring print if that is the only available format and the book is needed for research or teaching purposes. If the book is rare, unique, and historically significant, consider contacting the New York Public Library. Click here for information about NYPL’s donation policy

Institutional Access FAQs

Memorial Sloan Kettering

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit MSK

All registered patrons of the Weill Cornell Medical Library have access and borrowing privileges at the libraries of our primary affiliates, MSK, RUL and HSS. WCMC users are not entitled to remotely access electronic resources subscribed to exclusively by an affiliate. Please check the library catalog for material owned jointly or initiate an interlibrary loan request. A current library-barcoded ID card must be presented when you visit. 

For members of the MSK Community looking to visit WCM

Registered members of the MSK library can borrow physical items, take advantage of walk-in reference consultation services, and attend on-site and remote library workshops. Visitors will need their current, valid institutional ID card for access and all other services.

The Rockefeller University

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit Rockefeller University

All registered patrons of the Weill Cornell Medical Library have access and borrowing privileges at the libraries of our primary affiliates, MSK, RUL and HSS. WCMC users are not entitled to remotely access electronic resources subscribed to exclusively by an affiliate. Please check the library catalog for material owned jointly or initiate an interlibrary loan request. A current library-barcoded ID card must be presented when you visit. 

For members of the Rockefeller University Community looking to visit WCM

Registered members of the RUL library can borrow physical items, take advantage of walk-in reference consultation services, and attend on-site and remote library workshops. Visitors will need their current, valid institutional ID card for access and all other services.

Hospital for Special Surgery

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit HSS

All registered patrons of the Weill Cornell Medical Library have access and borrowing privileges at the libraries of our primary affiliates, MSK, RUL and HSS. WCMC users are not entitled to remotely access electronic resources subscribed to exclusively by an affiliate. Please check the library catalog for material owned jointly or initiate an interlibrary loan request. A current library-barcoded ID card must be presented when you visit. 

For members of the HSS Community looking to visit WCM

Registered members of the HSS library can borrow physical items, take advantage of walk-in reference consultation services, and attend on-site and remote library workshops. Visitors will need their current, valid institutional ID card for access and all other services.

New York University

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit NYU Bobst

Members of WCM do not have any privileges at the NYU Bobst Library.

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit NYU Langone

WCM faculty can enter with current, valid institutional ID card.

For members of the NYU Bobst Community looking to visit WCM

Members of NYU Bobst do not have any privileges at the WCM Library.

For members of the NYU Langone Community looking to visit WCM

NYU Langone faculty can take advantage of walk-in reference consultation services, and attend on-site library workshops. Visitors will need their current, valid institutional ID card for access and all other services.

Columbia University

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit Columbia University Medical Center

Both WCMC and Columbia libraries are members of the Research Library Group (RLG) which grants reciprocal access to faculty, housestaff and research fellows. However, the directors of both institutions are also members of the Directors of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (DAHSL), and have mutually agreed to exclude medical students from this arrangement.

For members of the Weill Cornell Medical College Community looking to visit Columbia University

Both WCMC and Columbia libraries are members of the Research Library Group (RLG) which grants reciprocal access to faculty, housestaff and research fellows. However, the directors of both institutions are also members of the Directors of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (DAHSL), and have mutually agreed to exclude medical students from this arrangement.

For members of the Columbia University Medical Center Community looking to visit WCM

CUMC faculty can take advantage of walk-in reference consultation services, and attend on-site library workshops. Visitors will need their current, valid institutional ID card for access and all other services.

For members of the Columbia University Community looking to visit WCM

Members of Columbia University do not have any privileges at the WCM Library.


NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center

Members of the NYP/WCM community have full access to the library. You will need your current, valid institutional ID card for access and all other services.

NYP System Members with borrowing privileges

Members of the following institutions can visit WCM as long as they present their ID when visiting. Members do have borrowing privileges.

  • NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Queens
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester Behavioral Health Center

NYP System Members without borrowing privileges

Members of the following institutions can visit WCM as long as they present their ID when visiting but do not have borrowing privileges.

  • NewYork-Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital
  • NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester