VisualDx App
1. Use this link (https://www.visualdx.com/visualdx/7/?sso=nyp) to sign in to VisualDx web with your WCM or NYP CWID
2. You should be brought into VisualDx without the need for an additional username or password. Your email should appear in the upper top right corner of the website indicating that your access was authenticated.
3. If you do not already have a VisualDx personal account, you will receive an email that your account has been automatically created and will allow you to set your password to access the mobile app. If you previously had a personal account using your institutional email, then you can skip the remaining steps and use the mobile app as you have been.
4. Download the VisualDx mobile app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
5. On your device, locate the VisualDx app and login with the username and password you created in Step 3.
WCM Events App
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WebMD App
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Web of Science My Research Assistant App
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Web of Science does allow roaming access to the platform. Users can access Web of Science from anywhere at any time using their Web of Science personalization email and password.
To use roaming, users must register their email on the Web of Science platform. To register:
1. Go to http://webofknowledge.com/ via EZproxy or an IP authenticated WCM computer.
2. Click Register at the top of the page.
3. Enter your email address, password, name, complete the Captcha and click on Register. The system will prompt you if your email is already registered for Web of Science or other Clarivate products.
4. Web of Science will send a verification email to your inbox. Click on "Verify email address" to activate your account.
5. Sign in with your email and roaming will become active.
To access Web of Science remotely outside of EZproxy, users can use the direct URL https://www.webofknowledge.com and then enter their Web of Science personalization account details under “Sign In."
Note: Users must login from an IP authenticated machine or device at least once every six(6) months to keep roaming active.