Introduction to NIH and CU policy
00:00 Greetings
00:20 Agenda
00:53 Overview of the policy announcements
01:30 Cornell University Data Retention policy
03:00 What is WIDRR?
05:30 Introducing the new NIH Data Management and Sharing policy
06:11 NIH policy data management requirements
08:05 Comparison of NIH and CU policies data management requirements
09:26 NIH policy data sharing requirements
11:40 NIH policy data sharing requirements – informed consent
12:08 NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) plan
13:18 Budgeting for NIH DMS plan
14:30 To keep in mind
15:08 Resources available at WCM to help you with both policies
16:33 Library website as a central resource
17:08 Key takeaways for researchers
18:22 Contact the Wood library