

Welcome to OneSearch! our new catalog. It will enhance your search experience by expanding your access to our electronic content such as full text articles, ebook chapters, streaming videos, and our physical collections in a single search. Similar to the previous version of Tri-Cat, you can still check the availability of physical and other resources owned by MSK and RU. As you enter your search terms, select one of the of the following search scopes:

  • All Resources: Search for journal articles, book chapters, reference entries and more. Results include resources available at MSK and RU libraries.
  • Articles and Full Text: Use this search to find full-text articles, ebook chapters, and references retrieved from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL and many more databases subscribed to by the library as well as selected free/Open Access resources.
  • WCM Catalog: This search is restricted to e-books, e-journals, and physical/print items available ONLY at WCM's Wood Library, Medical Archives, and NYP Westchester Div. Library.
  • Tri-I Catalog: Similar to previous Tri-Cat, search for books, journals, and media titles available at WCM, MSK and RUL libraries all at once.

with your CWID and Password:

  • Renew books
  • Create favorites lists
  • Export and format citations to Endnote Web
  • View full search results. (Some databases, only show results when you're signed in.)