Karger Open Access

Always wanted to avoid those expensive Open Access costs? Now you can!  If you are an author (faculty, staff and student) affiliated with Weill Cornell Medicine, you are eligible for full coverage of APC and Authors ChoiceTM publication fee and all additional costs for articles published in full Open Access and hybrid journals (subscription journals with an Open Access option).  Here’s what you need to do:

  • Select a Karger journal from this list
  • Ensure that one of the corresponding author is an active Weill Cornell faculty, staff or student
  • Submit your manuscript for publication before December 31, 2024 (sooner is better to ensure processing and acceptance)!

The regular peer review process will then be triggered.  If the manuscript is accepted, it will be published at no cost as an open access publication.

Download the full instructions in PDF icon PDF

Additional instructions are available here: Submit and Publish Open Access

If you have questions, please contact Terrie Wheeler or Michael Wood.

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